المحامي انور العنزي | Large Image With Sidebar
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  The justice of the court responded to our defense presented before it with the codes of its judgment Whereas it is legally established and established by jurisprudence and the judiciary that delay in returning the thing or refraining from returning it until the material element of...

Law No. (75) of 2019 Promulgating the Law on Copyright and Related Rights Having reviewed the Constitution The Penal Code promulgated by Law No. 16 of 1960 and the amending laws thereof; - The Code of Criminal Procedure and Trials promulgated by Law No. 17 of 1960 and the...

The Administrative Court of Appeal provides for our client the right to receive a functional level bonus and a nature allowance in the prescribed category for its functional level in accordance with the decision of the Civil Service Council No. 12/2005 and its amendments as...